Journal Papers
• Pak, A., Shams, H., Ashtiani, H. R. R., & Choopani, Y. (2024). A comprehensive study of ultrasonic-assisted gas metal arc welding of high-strength steel. Ultrasonics, 107242.
• Choopani, Y., Khajehzadeh, M., & Razfar, M. R. (2023). An experimental study on the abrasive flow machining of aluminum alloy (AA 2024). SN Applied Sciences, 5(5), 151.
• Pak, A., Shayegh, M., Abdullah, A., & Choopani, Y. (2023). Ultrasonic assisted magnetic abrasive finishing of DIN 1.2738 tool steel using vitrified bonded magnetic abrasive particles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 09544089231159789.
• Choopani, Y., Razfar, M. R., Khajehzadeh, M., & Khosrojerdi, M. (2022). Design and development of ultrasonic assisted-rotational magnetorheological abrasive flow finishing (UA-RMRAFF) process. Applied Acoustics, 197, 108950.
• Choopani, Y., Khajehzadeh, M., & Razfar, M. R. (2022). Experimental investigations into the nano-finishing of Al2024 tubes using the rotational-magnetorheological abrasive flow finishing (R-MRAFF) process. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 09544089221094999.
• Choopani, Y., Khajehzadeh, M., & Razfar, M. R. (2022). Novel polishing media based on fiber for finishing hip joint implants. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 118, 479–495.
• Choopani, Y., Khajehzadeh, M., & Razfar, M. R. (2021). Development of fiber flow finishing process for polishing hip prostheses. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Volume 68, Part A, 1245-1260.
• Choopani, Y., Khajehzadeh, M., & Razfar, M. R. (2021). Optimal parameters of abrasive flow finishing for hip joint implants. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 235 (11), 1818-1831.
• Choopani, Y., Khajehzadeh, M., & Razfar, M. R. (2020). Using inverse replica fixture technique for improving nano-finishing of hip joint implant in abrasive flow finishing process. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 110(11), 3035-3050.
• Choopani, Y., Khajehzadeh, M., & Razfar, M. R. (2019). Optimization of parameters affecting the magnetic abrasive finishing process using response surface method. Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 52(10), 2691-2708.
• Choopani, Y., Razfar, M. R., Saraeian, P., & Farahnakian, M. (2016). Experimental investigation of external surface finishing of AISI 440C stainless steel cylinders using the magnetic abrasive finishing process. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 83(9-12), 1811-1821.
• Choopani, Y., & Razfar, M. R. (2014). Investigation of the effective parameters on surface roughness in magnetic abrasive finishing process using design of experiments. Journal of Modern Processes in Manufacturing and Production (MPMP), 2(3), 17-25.
• Choopani, Y., & Razfar, M. R. (2014). Micro machining of AISI 440C stainless steel using magnetic field and magnetic abrasive particles. Journal of Modern Processes in Manufacturing and Production (MPMP), 2(4), 17-26.
Conference Papers
• Pak, A., Shayegh, M., Abdullah, A., & Choopani, Y. (2022). Ultrasonic assisted magnetic finishing process using magnetic abrasive particles with glass bond. The 30nd Annual International Conference of the Iranian Society Mechanical Engineers (ISME 2022), May 10- May 12 2022, Tehran. (In Persian).
• Choopani, Y., Khajezadeh, M., & Razfar, M. R. (2019). Principles of design and analysis of 12-speed gearbox machine lathe using the step-by-step method. The 27nd Annual International Conference of the Iranian Society Mechanical Engineers (ISME 2019). Tarbiat Modares University, Mechanical Engineering Department, April 30- May 2 2019, Tehran. (In Persian).
• Choopani, Y., Razfar, M. R., & Saraeian, P. (2014). The effects of silicon carbide abrasive slurry on surface roughness of 440C steel in the magnetic abrasive finishing Process”. The 22nd Annual International Conference of the Iranian Society Mechanical Engineers (ISME2014), Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Mechanical Engineering Department, 22-24 April 2014 (In Persian).
• Choopani, Y., Razfar, M. R., Saraeian, P., & Farahnakian, M. (2014). Magnetic abrasive finishing using the diamond paste to improve the surface smoothness of AISI 440C stainless steel. The 22nd Annual International Conference of the Iranian Society Mechanical Engineers (ISME2014), Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Mechanical Engineering Department, 22-24 April 2014 (In Persian).